Report finds ‘plant-rich’ meat products score high on taste

NEW YORK — In a blind taste test, a group of 1,192 omnivores and flexitarians found food products containing a 50/50 blend of animal and plant ingredients to be the most appealing. And, according to a report released Sept. 23 from Nectar, the research arm of Food System Innovations, 74% of participants said they were either “extremely interested” or “interested” in the plant-rich meat category.

The 215-page report, “Future of the Industry: Plant-Rich Meat,” compiled and analyzed sensory panel data from participants who evaluated 22 plant-rich meat products across nine categories. All the plant-rich products, including burgers, hotdogs, sausage, steak, chicken nuggets and more, were tested against 100% plant-based and 100% animal-based products.

In six out of eight categories, the leading plant-rich product outperformed the leading plant-based product, the report said. Panel participants gave sustainability and health as the main reasons behind their interest in plant-rich foods, which Nectar cited as evidence meat companies should use health and climate messaging to maximize market share.

Nectar said the results show plant-rich products can do what plant-based meat products haven’t yet accomplished, which is to get consumers to reduce their meat consumption.

Read the full article here.


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